
HCM retoma atividades hoje

Área interna do Hospital.
Área interna do Hospital.

O atendimento médico-hospitalar no Hospital de Alta Complexidade Carlos Macieira será retomado na tarde desta sexta-feira (17), com a reativação de leitos de internação clínica, de UTI e de UCI.

Serão ativados nesta sexta-feira, 13 leitos de UTI adulto, cinco de UTI pediátrica, 12 de UCI, 36 de internação clínica, seis de hemodiálise e todo o serviço de apoio diagnostico, com exames de imagem e laboratoriais

Na próxima semana, deverão entrar em atividade mais 13 leitos de UTI, 12 de UCI e 50 leitos de clínica médica. Após essa ativação, a única ala que permanecera interditada será a do segundo andar onde estão instalados os outros 25 leitos de clinica medica, no bloco esquerdo do hospital.

“Toda a equipe da Secretaria de Estado da Saude, em conjunto com os profissionais do HCM, estão trabalhando de maneira ininterrupta”, declarou o secretário de Estado da Saúde, Ricardo Murad.

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  1. Cranberry Juice and yogurt ONLY prneevts them. There’s also Azo that has Cranberry Juice in it and there are vitamins that have Cranberry Juice in it as well if you don’t like the taste. Urinary Tract Infections in Teens and Adults Treatment Overview Antibiotics can treat most urinary tract infections (UTIs) successfully. The goals of treatment for UTIs are to relieve symptoms, eliminate the infection and prevent recurrence, and prevent unlikely but serious complications such as kidney damage and sepsis. In pregnant women, treatment protects the unborn baby as well.Initial treatmentTreatment for uncomplicated bladder infections in women usually is 3 days of antibiotics. Home treatment includes drinking a lot of water and fluids and urinating frequently, emptying your bladder each time. Additional testing is not necessary if your symptoms improve.Oral antibiotics usually can treat kidney infections (pyelonephritis), although you may need brief hospitalization and a short course of intravenous (IV) antibiotics if you are too ill or nauseated to take medicine by mouth (oral medication). Kidney infections tend to make people more severely ill than bladder infections. Once you are feeling better, you may take oral antibiotics, typically for about 2 weeks. Your doctor probably will test your urine for bacteria after treatment to be certain you no longer have an infection.The duration of antibiotic treatment for urinary tract infections (UTIs) may be longer and you may require further testing before and after treatment if you:Are pregnant.Are older than 65.Have diabetes or an impaired immune system.Are a man. UTIs in men typically require 1 to 2 weeks of antibiotics. Additional testing and treatment for prostate problems (such as prostatitis) or sexually transmitted diseases (such as chlamydia or gonorrhea) may be necessary.Call your doctor immediately if painful urination or other symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) occur with:Nausea and vomiting.Fever and chills.Pain in the back just below the rib cage, on one side of your body (flank pain).Pregnancy.Call a doctor if you:Have had UTI symptoms previously and have those symptoms again.Have minor symptoms of a UTI that do not clear up in 1 to 2 days, such as pain or burning when you urinate, foul-smelling urine, or the urge to urinate frequently while passing only small amounts of urine.Notice blood or pus in your urine.Have symptoms of a UTI and you have diabetes.Have been taking antibiotics for a UTI but your symptoms do not improve or they come back (recur) after improving temporarily. To Health Guide A-Z back to the topGood Luck to you!

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